Loving God is the first of Friendship’s “core” values: Love God, Love Others, and Serve. There are both corporate and personal components to loving God, and multiple opportunities to learn about Him and grow with others at Friendship.
Love God.
Corporate worship is essential in the life of a Christian. Through singing, public scripture reading, prayer, and giving in a large group setting, we’re reminded that we are not alone in following Christ. By joining our voices with others, we express our belief that the church is one body: the body of Christ.
Large corporate gatherings are also the best place to hear teaching from the Bible by a gifted communicator who has studied scripture and sought God’s direction for each message. Friendship has multiple opportunities for corporate worship.
Here at friendship we offer both traditional and contemporary style of worship.
Personal worship and study (sometimes called devotions or quiet time) is also essential in the life of a Christian. The goal of the Christian life, to become progressively more like Jesus, requires more than an hour or two on Sunday. A daily commitment to reading and studying scripture, praying (listening to God as well as making requests), and engaging in other spiritual practices (disciplines like journaling, fasting, and memorizing scripture) allows God to work in our hearts, changing us from the inside out.
Rev. Dr. Michael Miller

Lead Pastor &
Lucas Ferry Campus Pastor
Welcome to Friendship! On behalf of our Church family, I just want you to know you are welcome here. Friendship is a Christ centered Church that has a history of living up to our name while impacting our community with a love bigger than ourselves. We are blessed to have 3 campuses locally in our community to reveal Christ, as we also pursue a broader, international Kingdom purpose. This Kingdom purpose is a prayer of Christ’s as He prayed that God’s loving Kingdom would come here, in our neighborhoods, as it is in heaven. This is our Biblical goal, and we invite you to experience Christ with us. To reach this goal we offer contemporary and traditional worship on Sunday mornings as well as life groups and many opportunities to learn and serve throughout the week in a diverse portfolio of grace. I look forward to meeting you and having you join us!

Corporate Gatherings
Corporate worship is essential in the life of a Christian. Through singing, public scripture reading, prayer, and giving in a large group setting, we’re reminded that we are not alone in following Christ. By joining our voices with others, we express our belief that the church is one body: the body of Christ.
Large corporate gatherings are also the best place to hear teaching from the Bible by a gifted communicator who has studied scripture and sought God’s direction for each message. Friendship has multiple opportunities for corporate worship.
Here at friendship we offer both traditional and contemporary style of worship.

Personal Devotions
Personal worship and study (sometimes called devotions or quiet time) is also essential in the life of a Christian. The goal of the Christian life, to become progressively more like Jesus, requires more than an hour or two on Sunday. A daily commitment to reading and studying scripture, praying (listening to God as well as making requests), and engaging in other spiritual practices (disciplines like journaling, fasting, and memorizing scripture) allows God to work in our hearts, changing us from the inside out.

Our mission/vision is: Love God. Love Others. Serve. You can’t love God or love others without serving them, so there is no such thing as a spectator at Friendship! We refer to those who serve as “Change Makers.” We serve God, serve each other, serve our community, and serve the world through two categories of missional opportunities:

LifeGroups are made up of a cross-section of people at Friendship… men, women, married, single, young adult, youth… who share a desire to become a disciple of Jesus in the company of friends. Group members are committed to helping each other live out the core values of Friendship: Love God, Love Others, and Serve. LifeGroups meet regularly, both formally and informally, to study, pray, fellowship, and serve together.

These are opportunities to equip and care for others inside the walls of Friendship. This includes everything it takes to gather hundreds of people in worship every Sunday (kids’ small group leader, music, technical production, and guest services) and running the church office through the week (reception, communications, connection, and compassion).
These Glocal (Global + Local) opportunities equip and care for others outside the walls of Friendship. Local efforts target our own community in Athens and Limestone County, Alabama. Global efforts are spread around the world.

Loving Others means focusing on their needs above our own. At Friendship, we concentrate on loving others in two ways, by doing life together in LifeGroups (small groups that meet regularly) and through sharing the gospel (telling others about Jesus).
Love Others.
LifeGroups are made up of a cross-section of people at Friendship… men, women, married, single, young adult, youth… who share a desire to become a disciple of Jesus in the company of friends. Group members are committed to helping each other live out the core values of Friendship: Love God, Love Others, and Serve. LifeGroups meet regularly, both formally and informally, to study, pray, fellowship, and serve together.